Saturday, 1 February 2020

Little Beginning to Great Ending

I was thinking this morning.... about little beginnings. I remember clearly that Sunday morning 11th January 2015. In one 'AHA!' moment while in church, a thought crossed my mind which I decided to pen down later on, not to anyone in particular but on Facebook. I had written after the service 'While in church this morning, two seemingly similar words came to my mind, INVISIBLE and INVINCIBLE.' I poured out my thought and went quiet on Facebook until the next Sunday, 18th January 2015, when I penned another thought, this time beginning with 'I was thinking today.' That was the birth of the 'I was thinking this morning...' series. 

I continued my musing every Sunday morning with more of my Facebook friends liking and commenting on my posts. Then the Nostradamus' amongst them woke up. One of them commented, 'You should consider writing a book (with a possibility of series) from your weekly thoughts.' In my typical Warri response, I was like 'Shuoo! To write book no be beans o. Who una think say I be na? Wole Soyinka?' I didn't give it a second thought but decided to let time tell. Somehow, I found this grace to keep thinking and posting on Sunday mornings even when I was in far away nations with a huge time difference with Nigeria. 

I started with one article, continued thinking and writing every Sunday and have not missed a Sunday in the last 5 years. Wow! Next Saturday 8th February 2020, BTGOG, I will be unveiling the first in the 'Thoughts of a Certain Wey Mey' book series. This volume being a compilation of a selection of 75 articles written between 2016 and 2018. As I looked back, I discovered this journey gave me an unscripted commitment to a cause that I love. I have not been as consistent in anything I have done in all my life like I have been in penning down my thoughts on Sunday mornings in the last 5 years. If I have learnt anything during this period, it is to respect humble beginnings and stay consistent because you never know what the future holds.

Someone had told me that Solomon in all his splendour, riches and exploits is best remembered by the three books he wrote; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Songs of Solomon. I am sure he did not wake up and decided to just write these books, he probably started by writing down the wisdom nuggets God has blessed him with. Similarly, if you take that first step and keep on with it, you will be amazed how great it might turn out in future. Zechariah 4:10 (NLT) says 'Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin' Take that little step today and stay committed because only the disciplined ones achieve result. Let the work begin!

Happy Sunday.

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey. 

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