Stay hopeful. God's got our back.
Merry Christmas!
......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey
I was thinking this morning.... about the weight of prosperity. I was driving somewhere in Port-Harcourt and saw a vehicle overloaded with goods literally crumbling under its own weight. As the vehicle passed by, I wondered why the driver will even choose to subject his vehicle, which probably is his only source of livelihood, to such heavy weight. No doubt, he was enticed by the money he was to be paid. He considered the immediate benefit but was blindsided to the long term impact on the vehicle.
II was thinking this morning.... as I sat watching Sky News last Thursday 8th September far away from the UK, I mused on the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as news rolled of her being hospitalised at Balmoral Castle, Aberdeen. Suddenly, the news anchor paused and with a lugubrious look said 'Buckingham Palace has just announced that Her Majesty The Queen has died.'
I was thinking this morning.... about “The urgent 2k Phenomenon.” If you are yoruba and don't belong to the Generation Z, you probably will be asking 'Kilon jebe?' meaning 'what's that? 'Urgent 2k' is a term used by mostly young Nigerians to explain the unplanned loan request gotten from friends or loved ones, to meet very basic personal needs. It's usually between the range of N2,000 to N5,000 hence its name.