Sunday 21 April 2024

Seven States of Life

I was thinking this morning..... It was meant to be a simple journey from Port Harcourt to Omu-Aran in Kwara State, but it turned out to be the longest road trip I have ever embarked on. While Google Maps estimated the 550.9km trip to be about 10hrs 33mins, the journey took us 14hrs 30mins. A trip that was dotted with so many life lessons.

We set out at about 7.30 am in a convoy of two coaster buses and a security escort pick-up van. Friends that couldn't wait for us, set out in a solo 4-wheel pick-up van, and arrived a solid 4 hours before us. How fast one travels in life is dependent on the capacity of the vehicle. Some have taken time to develop themselves and upgraded to turbocharged engine while others are okay with their two cylinders engine. Their speed in life tells the story.

Life, though, is not all about speed. While the coaster buses in a convoy meant the trip was slower, the bond of friendship and fun of travelling in a group was more alluring. Sometimes in life, it may seem like you are moving too slow because you had chosen to go with friends and family, but the experience you have working and fellowshiping with people is one those riding alone will never enjoy.

As the adventure across seven States progressed from Rivers to Bayelsa, Delta, Edo, Ondo, Ekiti, and finally Kwara State, I observed that the quality of the highway determined the speed we maintained. In life, there are some travelling on the superhighway that was constructed by their parents and forebears, others had to construct their own highways. Yet, for some, there are no paved roads. They had to trudge along the dusty and rough earth roads of life. Tough life, you will say.

Somewhere around Owo, in Ondo State, our vehicle developed a fault, and we had to stop to fix the problem. Though we lost an hour, thirty minutes in the process, we soon got back on our way. In life, breakdowns from illness or accident can happen and set you back a few years. Don't despair. You will soon be on your way to your destination.

A journey we started before sunrise, crossing so many rivers, large and small, and going through roadblocks, continued after sunset into the night. We finally arrived at our hotel a few minutes before 10 pm. It was a long tortuous journey but we stayed the course and arrived safely. Despite the challenges of life, keep moving and stay focused on your destination (Hebrews 12:2).

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

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