Sunday 11 August 2024



I was thinking this morning.... Recently, I went out for general evangelism. We had arrived early in church to go out in small groups to distribute tracts and win souls for Christ. As we approached people on the streets, some were willing to listen to the good news, but others would not even as much as accept a flyer or tract. They were too much in a hurry or too busy to even listen for a minute.

Humans have been in the business of winning people to their side since time immemorial. There are different terms to describe winning someone over to ones conviction or to accede to your views. If someone is preached to and he or she accepts Christ, that person has been evangelised. If it is a different religion or conviction, that person has been proselytised. If scammers in Nigeria succeed in convincing their victim to take their bait, it is said that the person has fallen mugu or he has been mugulised.

As we returned, I imagined how challenging it is to win people over. I was still brooding on this when I came across a Hiace bus with the word 'Ifangelism' boldly written in front of it. What does 'Ifangelism' even mean? Is it a new vocabulary in the lexicon? Oh, I see. It is most likely Evangelism misspelt. Hmm! Me I don add am join my vocab. While I define evangelism as spreading the good news or winning people over to a good cause, Ifangelism to me means winning people over to a bad or lost cause.

If you do not have time for the good news but spend your time watching x-rated content on your phone, you have been ifangelised. You complain to everyone about tithes and offering, yet you spend all your money on sports betting. Don't worry about being evangelised, because you have already been ifangelised.

In this unrecognisable world where young girls sell their eggs for flex money and boys willing to sacrifice their parents for a car, we must focus on the root cause. The surge in the attention industry meant a lot more people are ifangelised through their phone than they are evangelised. How you use your time will determine if you will be evangelised or ifangelised. Ephesians 5:15-16.

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

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