Sunday, 12 January 2025


I was thinking this morning..... As we ended the year 2024 and entered a new year 2025, many were engaged in both thanksgiving and celebrating in divers ways. While it may have been quiet for some, many made memories they would cherish for a long time.

On the 1st of January 2025, my colleague and friend, IBB, bowed out of active service and invited us to a thanksgiving service to commemorate the auspicious occasion and his birthday. At the close of the service, everyone gathered around to congratulate him on the milestones. With wide smiles, he acknowledged everyone and also took both group and individual photos. He did so to keep a memory of the moment everyone was standing with him.

Also, during the festive period, many took time out to visit Amusement and Nature Parks. At one of the Nature Parks, I observed people relaxing and enjoying the gifts of nature. As they did, they kept their phones busy taking photos of themselves standing with Nature.

Both literally and figuratively, it is easier to stand for extended periods when one is moving forward than when one is in one position. Remember Abiola and June 12? It took just two years of no progress for those shouting, 'On June 12, we stand' to sit down and eventually sleep on June 12. Similarly, 'On your mandate, we stand. On your mandate, we stand,' is still relevant because the owner of the mandate is in power.

There are too many people who do not know what they stand for. They have no principle or ideology they stand for. They are easily swayed like the proverbial reed. They are called fair-weather friends because they only stand with you when things are good. They jump ship and squat if it doesn't favour them.

As we go through 2025, there will be times when we will worry and have doubts about our dreams and expectations. We may even face tumultuous circumstances that will make us afraid. At times like these, we will need friends and family that will stand with us, but las las, all we need is the assurance that God is standing with us. Romans 8:31.

Congratulations and happy retirement, my friend. God is standing with you.

Stay hopeful. God's got our back.

Happy Sunday!

......Just the thoughts of a certain Wey Mey

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